Helping funders go
beyond the grant
Read our latest impact report. Learn more.
Choose Catchafire to power your corporate purpose
Catchafire sits at the intersection of employee experience and corporate philanthropy. We make it easy to provide and track skills-based volunteering opportunities with immediate impact to your employees - and simultaneously support nonprofits.
Strengthen nonprofits of all sizes
Build organizational capacity in key areas – staffing, technology, back-office operations, and marketing. Plus, give your entire nonprofit network the access to Catchafire's capacity building features, and only pay for the organizations that use it.
All-in-one solution
Your grantees receive comprehensive support, training, and education to help them post projects and vet volunteers, taking their mission to new heights.
Develop leaders for the long term
Expand comprehensive programming to fully develop leaders in areas like team management, public speaking, and donor relations.
Flexible, timely support
As grantee and community needs arise, your Catchafire program and platform can adapt to your funder initiatives.
Ultimate guide for nonprofit growth
Grantees choose from 150+ projects that are pre-scoped and match with a pro bono consultant in as little as 3 days,
Programming that listens to nonprofit needs
Real-time reports give you meaningful data about your program, grantees, and long-term impact.
Funders turn to Catchafire to answer:
Are we deliberately including new and historically underserved nonprofits?
How are capacity building efforts creating long-term value for the community?
How are we redistributing power back to communities?

Grantee benefits
Access to thousands of volunteers
Support from our nonprofit experts
One-on-one coaching and professional development
Project templates for every need
Monthly trainings and events
Skill-building and networking with other nonprofit leaders

Foundation benefits
Flexible support on a rolling basis
Build relationships with local nonprofits and leaders
Understand nonprofit needs and trends
Real-time data, impact stories, and downloadable reports
Frequently asked questions
What is capacity building?
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations defines capacity building as the funding and technical assistance to help nonprofits increase specific capacities to deliver stronger programs, take risks, build connections, innovate and iterate. There may not be one right way to go about this, but half-measures or overly prescriptive approaches can do more harm than good. Effective capacity building requires a high degree of trust between nonprofits and grantmakers. Before considering what types of support to provide, we need to have a deep understanding of what nonprofits would find most helpful and a clear picture of what other funders already offer. Grantmakers who put the work in to provide effective capacity-building support help ensure that nonprofits have what they need to deliver on their missions over the long term.
How do funders grant capacity building resources?
Capacity Building Grants are, according to the National Council of Nonprofits, an investment in the effectiveness and future sustainability of a nonprofit. In other words, it’s about the organization’s ability to deliver its mission effectively (now) and in the future. Nonprofit capacity building includes a variety of different types of activities, such as identifying a communications strategy, improving volunteer recruitment, ensuring thoughtful leadership succession, updating a nonprofit’s technology, or improving how it measures its outcomes, all build the capacity of a charitable nonprofit to effectively fulfill its mission. When capacity building is successful, it strengthens a nonprofit’s ability to deliver on its mission over time, thereby enhancing the nonprofit’s ability to have a positive impact on lives and communities.